Garden to Grow Sac!
Kathryn Harris has over 40 years of experience working with adults with disabilities. While Cathy
Ramirez has been working with this population for more than 20 years. Together, they are a force! In
2012, they began working together, heading up the two new school gardens located in the heart of
Sacramento, California. They welcome a variety of volunteers, each bringing their expertise and passion
to the program. The Kathy’s know how to motivate students and get things growing!
Kathryn Harris & Cathy Ramierz have worked together since 2010 and have become the best of friends!
Our developmentally disabled students range in age from 22 years – 80 years old. Our garden program was designed for students to achieve greater independence, demonstrate a willingness to participate in-group activities, and advance their basic garden skills. Social skills, job skills, and making better choices through guidance and supportive supervision are the key. We have developed a program to empower individuals to reach their maximum potential for the challenges of the world around them. Students are incredibly enthusiastic and ready to continue learning so we can be eco-responsible ambassadors in the community.
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow”